Tips of skin care of 5 ways: (Homemade care)
Glowing radiant skin, and a healthy lifestyle go hand in
hand. If you think you are living a healthy life, but your skin looks
unhealthy, then think again. Chances are that your lifestyle may not be half as
healthy as you thought. In order to have radiant, glowing skin, what you do not
need, are expensive external creams and moisturizers. What you do need however
is to have a better understanding of how your body works and the delicate
balance that prevails between what you eat and how it affects your body. Here
are some tips on how to get better skin.
This is one of the root causes of bad skin. The ups and
downs of hormone production can wreak havoc on your skin. By ensuring that you
are eating right and staying healthy – your hormonal problems may correct
themselves in some cases but many times it could be more serious than that.
For example a common hormonal problem like PCOS (polycystic
ovarian syndrome) causes a lot of women to have acne, oily skin or darkening of
skin and pigmentation. PCOS is caused because the delicate hormonal balance in
the body has been disturbed due to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle.
Therefore if you suffer from bad skin the problem maybe serious and none of the
plethora of skincare products out there will be able to solve the problem. It
may need to be diagnosed by a doctor in order for it to be pinpointed to
hormonal imbalance.
Knowledgeable and creative medical treatment (conventional
remedies in tandem with appropriate lifestyle changes) can make a world of
difference – for your skin and overall health.
Reduction in inflammation: Inflammation is the way in which
the body reacts to a disturbance, be it infection, irritation or other injury.
Over a period of time however, when inflammation builds up due to an unhealthy
lifestyle, it can manifest in a lot of chronic ailments like chronic fatigue,
chronic joint pain, and chronic bad skin amongst others. But lucky for us, it
is not too difficult to keep inflammation at lower levels by staying active,
eating plenty of green leafy vegetables and other colourful food, having a
regular intake of Omega 3, and avoiding white bread, pasta, and sugar.
Inflammation is one of the causes of bad skin and it is very
important that we lead an all round healthy lifestyle to keep it under control.
Eat good fats: Many of us avoid any kind of fats like the
plague. Infact we’ve been told that eating fried food is the root cause of bad
skin. While this is true, all fat is not created equal. Eating junk food, trans
fats, fried samosas, and other fried junk is definitely not healthy for your
skin and otherwise. Likewise processed food items with a lot of fats are really
bad for the skin.
But avoiding all kinds of fat can also be detrimental and
can cause your skin to look sallow and unhealthy. A lot of people on strict
diets with no fat have unhealthy skin. Therefore ensure that you eat good fats
like: Avocados, Fish oil, olive oil, coconut oil, full fat yoghurt and cottage
Get more nutrients into your diet: What good nutrition does
is that it feeds the skin from the inside. It is very important to eat a diet
rich in nutrition, and if you do not get adequate nutrition from your diet then
supplement it with multivitamins, fish oil capsules, and other vitamins and
minerals that are lacking.

Try vitamins like A, C, E, and the B-complex as well as
other nutrients like zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, and Omega 3. Vitamins C and E are
known for offering sun protection and reducing the damage of sunburn. Vitamin
C, DMAE and alpha-lipoic acid help protect skin from the aging ravages of free
radicals from sun exposure, pollutants, and other stress. Others like vitamin A
and zinc help regulate healthy and well-balanced oil production for skin that’s
soft and supple without being too slick.
Sleep well and de-stress: And finally it all comes down to
living a stress free existence, which involves plenty of rest and sleep. Too
much stress could cause a hormonal spike or even chronic inflammation, which
could in turn have a negative impact on you skin. Here are some tips on how to
combat stress and how you can improve sleep.
Of course grandma’s remedies work like home made face packs
and it helps if you keep yourself well hydrated, but more important is for you
to get to the bottom of what you are doing wrong with your lifestyle that is
causing your skin to be less than perfect