Skin Care tips for Cold Sores
Cold Sores
Cold sores usually show up as tender blisters on the lips.
They are caused by a type of herpes virus so they are contagious from person to
person. Once you get this virus it stays in your body, meaning you'll probably
get cold sores every now and then throughout your life.
Here are ways you can help prevent cold sores from making an
appearance :
Avoid getting cold sores in the first place by not sharing
stuff like lip balm, toothbrushes, or drinks with other people who might have
cold sores. The virus that causes cold sores is transmitted through the
nose and the mouth .
People who have the
virus know that cold sores can flare up from things like too much sun, stress,
or being sick. Just one more reason to lather on that suntan lotion, eat well,
exercise, and get plenty of sleep!
If you do have a cold sore, here are some tips for keeping
yourself comfortable:
Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen if the cold sores are
Suck on ice pops or
cubes to ease pain and keep cold sores cool.
Stay away from acidic
foods and salty, spicy foods, which can
cause irritation.
Don't pick at cold
sores while you're waiting for them to go away. They may bleed or become
infected with bacteria or you could spread the virus.